
Auxiliares de Conversación

auxiliares conver 1

Información para las auxiliares de conversación:

IES FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA: Information Sheet for Language Assistants




Durante el presente curso 2022-23, nuestro centro, IES Federico García Lorca, cuenta con la colaboración de dos auxiliares de conversación:

Hannah Yoken, perteneciente al cupo de la Consejería de Educación y deporte, y cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo (FSE)

Morgan Hogdson, perteneciente al cupo del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.

La participación de auxiliares de conversación en el Proyecto Bilingüe de nuestro centro es un recurso muy valioso para el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística en lengua extranjera. Su presencia despierta el interés de nuestro alumnado por otras culturas y por mejorar su propia competencia comunicativa.


Morgan Hogdson


Hi, my name is Morgan. I am one of the language assistants at the school. I am 23 years old and I am from the UK.

As I have studied Spanish at university level, I really wanted to develop my language further and decided, after my studies, to move abroad to Spain. Due to Covid-19, I wasn’t able to do my study abroad as originally planned.

I am really enjoying teaching English to the students at IES Federico García Lorca. Therefore, when I finish my time at the school, I want to do my teaching qualifications and continue teaching as a profession, as this is helping my gain a lot of experience for in the future.

The reason why I chose to come to Granada is because I love Andalucía and wanted to explore the different parts which I have never seen before, Granada being of the many places. Granada is a beautiful city with lots of history and lovely to explore more and more.


 Hannah Yoken